North Ridge

  • Ride Details
  • Distance: 13.1 miles
  • Summit Elevation: 1659′
  • Total Ascent: 1703′
  • Time: 1-2 hours
  • Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Que Sheet: Download

North Ridge and South Ridge run alongside Telegraph Canyon and form the core of the geography and the trails that make up the west side of Chino Hills State Park (CHSP). North Ridge has been closed for many years. There are signs indicating that the section from the trailhead at the start of the canyon is closed (it’s not clear for how far). Lots of riders still use the trail, but you risk a ticket. We hope that the trail is reopened soon.

To ride the route when it reopens (hopefully soon), we recommend parking in Carbon County Regional Park which is adjacent to CHSP. Go as far east as you can after entering the park. It is $3 to park on weekdays and $5 on weekends.

If you want a free alternative for parking and a few extra miles you can use the residential neighborhood in Brea and ride through Carbon Canyon Regional Park. Make sure you bring enough water for the ride; it can get hot in the summer and you won’t find any once you get started.

Ride the trail that connects the county park with CHSP and start up Telegraph Canyon Trail. You’ll see the trailhead for North Ridge in a few hundred yards. You’ll start climbing right away. The trail is currently an unmaintained singletrack, but it used to be a truck trail.

On a clear spring day, you’ll have beautiful views of both the south part of the county and the mountains to the north.

You’ll climb for a few miles and then reach the turnoff for Gilman Peak. It’s worth a short ride up to the peak to see the views. There is a singletrack trail that descends from the peak to Telegraph Canyon below, but it is only for hikers.

After Gilman, the trail starts to roll. You’ll get a few breaks in the climb to catch your breath.

The last climb is a tough one. You’ll know you’ve arrived at the end of the trail when you reach it.

At the top of the last climb, look for a trail that turns to the right and descends to Telegraph Canyon near Four Corners.

Take a break at the picnic table at Four Corners before you start the six mile ride down Telegraph Canyon and back to your car. This can be a busy trail. Watch out for bikes, hikers and horses in the canyon.