Islip Saddle

  • Ride Details
  • Distance: 64 miles
  • Summit Elevation: 6655′
  • Total Ascent: 7882′
  • Time: 5-7 hours
  • Difficulty: Advanced
  • Que Sheet: Download

If you’ve reached Crystal Lake Cafe and you still have the legs for more, try the ride up to Islip Saddle. This ride extension goes from the junction of Highway 39 and Crystal Lake to Angeles Crest Highway at Islip Saddle. This part of the road has been closed for some time and there are sections where you’ll have to ride (or walk) over some dirt and gravel. It’s an old road bumpy road that isn’t maintained, but if you use reasonable care, it’s all rideable.

After you reach the cafe and refuel and get water, you’ll start your descent. Instead of turning left on Hwy 39 and heading down (like a sensible person), you’ll turn right and head up. In less than a mile of climbing, you’ll reach a gate. You’ll need to lift your bike over the gate. According to the signs, the road is closed to cars and bicycles, but it’s ridden pretty often so it doesn’t seem to be enforced. Ride at your own risk. You won’t see any cars which is good, but don’t expect any help to come either. This isn’t a section of road you should attempt alone.

It’s about six miles from the junction to the saddle with about 1500 feet of climbing. The grade is pretty steady but generally not as hard as the climb to Crystal Lake. Get a good look at the hazards so you are aware of them on the return.

Get your photo at the top and then head down. The normal hazards of mountain roads are magnified on this section so use extra care on the descent. Know when to slow down and when you need to walk over something. When you get back to the gate, you’ll return to the normal descent of Crystal Lake Cafe. Have fun. Be careful.